Every year, millions of people lace up their shoes for a run...

Some want to compete.
Others want to explore.
Most just want a workout.
But no one wants to get hurt.

Unfortunately, over 50% of people who run each year get injured...
That's a coin flip.

But it does NOT have to be that way.

Running is a basic human movement.
You were built for it.

And with the right approach, you can ensure pain free running ability.

Even better... You can do it in just 5 days.

5 Day Runner Is Your Blueprint To Run Strong For Life.


  • Find Your Walking & Running Form
  • Strength Training For Injury Free Running
  • Interval Training To Improve Your Fitness
  • Recovery Tools For Healthy Tissue
  • Aerobic Training For A Rock Solid Base
  • How To Run... The Pain Free Way
  • Why Your Joints Hurt When You Run
  • The Truth About Shoes (And Orthotics)
  • Using Science For Better Running
  • Strategies To Run Pain Free For Life

All For Only $49!

Everything is delivered via email.
You keep all program material for life.
In 5 days I'll teach you what it took me 19 years to learn about running.

Whether you want to push yourself in the next race or just be in shape for an active life...
5 Day Runner will make it a reality.